Secure Development

(accès Code Bashing pendant 1 an en option)

  • Filière :

    DevOps & Infrastructure

  • Sous-filière :

    Cyber Sécurité

  • Référence


  • Durée

    2 jours (14 h)

  • Prix par personne HT

    1 980 € HT

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Discover the offensive side of the Application Security about Web Application and practice it during a lab.
  • Discover the offensive side of the Application Security about Mobile Application and practice it during a lab.
  • Introduce the students to the defensive side of the Application Security.
  • Present to the students different kinds of application vulnerabilities.

Public cible


Programme de la formation

Introduction to the Web Application Vulnerability Assessment & Introduction to the Mobile Application Vulnerability Assessment

  • Training identity card:
    • Type: Labs
    • Audience: Everyone that have already developed web applications
    • Technology: Web technologies
  • During this training, the students will discover:
    • What is a Web Application Vulnerability Assessment ?
    • The different steps of this kind of assessment
    • The methodology used to rate the security issues
    • The open referential that can be used to conduct an assessment

Introduction to the Mobile Application Vulnerability Assessment

  • Training identity card:
    • Type: Labs
    • Audience: Everyone that have already developed mobile applications
    • Technology: Mobile technologies
  • During this training, the students will discover:
    • What is a Mobile Application Vulnerability Assessment ?
    • The different steps of this kind of assessment
    • The methodology used to rate the security issues
    • The open referential that can be used to conduct an assessment

Introduction to Secure Coding

  • Training identity card:
    • Type: Theoretical
    • Audience: Everyone
    • Technology: Independent
  • During this training, the students will discover:
    • What is the Application Security?
    • Why the security of an application is important for is life in the company information system ?
    • Principles of Secure Coding
    • Common security error meet during development and how to prevent them

Practical demonstrations of common vulnerabilities

  • Training identity card:
    • Type: Demonstration
    • Audience: All developers
    • Technology: Independent
  • During this training, the students will discover:
    • Different kind of vulnerabilities that are commonly present in applications
    • How to detect them
    • How to validate them
    • How to fix them


Cette formation est accessible aux personnes en situation de handicap, nous contacter en cas de besoin d’informations complémentaires.

Programme mis à jour le