SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence BI 4.2 : Advanced Report Design

  • Filière :

    Gestion de données

  • Sous-filière :

    Data Platform/BI

  • Référence


  • Durée

    1 jour (7 h)

  • Prix par personne HT

    750 € HT


BusinessObjects™ Web Intelligence™ is a query, reporting and analysis tool that allows you to access the data
in your corporate databases directly from within BusinessObjects Enterprise™ InfoView™ and
to present and analyze this information in a Web Intelligence document.

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • gain comprehensive skills needed to apply alternative query and reporting techniques
  • create complex Web Intelligence documents

Public cible

  • Report-Designers


BOWebI : SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence BI 4 : Report Design

Programme de la formation

Reviewing Web Intelligence Core Report Design

  • Reviewing Web Intelligence core report design

Working with Advanced Query Techniques

  • Using combined queries
  • Using subqueries
  • Creating a query based on another query
  • Changing data sources

Working with Calculation Contexts

  • Understanding calculation contexts
  • Redefining calculation contexts

Creating Formulas with Character and Date String Functions

  • Using character string functions
  • Concatenating different data types
  • Using date functions

Using If Logic

  • Using If() to group data
  • Using the If() function to modifying calculation behavior
  • Using IF/ELSEIF

Working with Additional Reporting Techniques

  • Using data tracking
  • Using additional report functions

Creating Hyperlinks

  • Working with hyperlinks in Web Intelligence documents
  • Creating hyperlinks in the Interactive panel
  • Creating hyperlinks in the Web Intelligence Rich Client and Java Report Panel


Cette formation est accessible aux personnes en situation de handicap, nous contacter en cas de besoin d’informations complémentaires.

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