Business Analysis Workshop

Business Analysis Training : learn how to analyze the business requirements and build the right solution.

  • Filière :

    Méthodes, Tests, normes

  • Sous-filière :

    Gestion de projet

  • Référence


  • Durée

    2 jours (14 h)

  • Prix par personne HT

    1 450 € HT


Business analysis training: in a modern, fast-paced business environment, analysts must possess skills to effectively communicate business needs, rules, structure and workflow to all relevant stakeholders.
A working knowledge of modeling is the key to ensuring that this business challenge is met.
This business analysis training course is structured around a series of activities in which you gain practical modeling experience.
In the context of a real world case study, you apply best practices in modeling to help you fulfill your crucial role as a business analyst.

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Clarifying the role of the business analyst
  • Analyzing and prioritizing competing business needs
  • Creating dynamic business models using workflow diagrams
  • Writing SMART business objectives
  • Quantifying business case benefits and costs
  • Communicating the requirements package to stakeholders

Public cible

  • Business-Analysts

Programme de la formation


  • Why do you need business models?
  • Modeling skills

Defining the Scope of Modeling

  • What is a business model?
  • Separating textual and diagrammatic elements
  • Contrasting scope with level of detail

Crafting a process to develop a business model

  • Applying the steps: elicit, analyze, document, validate
  • Iterating the steps
  • Facilitating requirements workshops
  • Mapping models to deliverables

Charting the multidimensional aspects of a business model

  • Applying the five Ws approach: who, what, where, when, why and how
  • Selecting the right modeling approach
  • Employing CASE tools and simulation

Mapping the Business Landscape

  • Analyzing the enterprise
  • Exploring the enterprise architecture
  • Decomposing the architecture into its components
  • Usage of a Component Business Model

Applying business rules

  • Documenting the constraints: operative and structural
  • Representing rules with decision tables
  • Scoping Business Functions

Initiating the process with functional decomposition

  • Determining the functional hierarchies
  • Distinguishing between functions and processes

Drawing UML use case diagrams

  • Defining scope and boundary
  • Identifying the actors
  • Refining the use cases

Documenting business use cases

  • Selecting the appropriate level of detail
  • Specifying preconditions and post-conditions
  • Modeling Business Processes

Applying process modeling techniques

  • Workflows
  • Events
  • Activities
  • Decisions
  • Sequencing
  • Messaging
  • Roles

Leveraging Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

  • Benefits from a standardized approach
  • Sequencing and classifying activities
  • Categorizing events
  • Emulating a Business Process

Refining business process diagrams

  • Choosing the right gateway: decisions, forks and joins
  • Mapping the processes to swim lanes and pools
  • Supplementing the model with artifacts

Analyzing the Enterprise Structure

  • Establishing the business domain
  • Documenting the workers and organization units
  • Modeling systems, documents, information and tools

Structuring the enterprise with UML class diagrams

  • Determining object attributes
  • Generalizing and specializing relationships
  • Constructing associations between the classes
  • Packaging for domains and functional units

Finalizing the Business Model

  • Achieving complete coverage with matrices
  • Prioritizing features
  • Cross-referencing requirements
  • Correlating behavior with roles

Contextualizing the model with perspectives

  • Documenting business interfaces
  • Mapping from means into ends
  • Capturing time parameters

Communicating the Model to Key Stakeholders

  • Knowing your audience
  • Selecting the right level of detail
  • Choosing the right model for your audience
  • Converting business models into user requirements
  • Delivering your models


Cette formation est accessible aux personnes en situation de handicap, nous contacter en cas de besoin d’informations complémentaires.

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