Filière :
Méthodes, Tests, normes
Sous-filière :
Testing logiciel
2 jours
Prix par personne HT
1.550 € HT
SoapUi Pro is a test automation software tool to create, manage and execute automated tests or perform load tests for Web services or SOA.
SoapUi Pro works in all environments and platforms for test automation. You can use it for Apis (application programming interfaces) created with .net, j2e, Perl, PHP, … The only requirement on your Apis is that they have a defined service description (WSDL, WADL), which is valid in SOAP / HTTP.
SoapUi Pro does not require developer skills for its implementation and deployment: whether you want to create a software test plan or a test suite, add functional test cases, or modify them, it is surprisingly easy with SoapUi Pro.
Public cible
- Architectes
- Chefs de projets
- Développeurs
Cette formation est accessible aux personnes en situation de handicap, nous contacter en cas de besoin d’informations complémentaires.
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